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Want to participate in research?

Registered Dental Hygienists are needed as participants in a study. Carri Shamburger is researching how dental professionals managed mental health and work performance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can participate in the study if you:

- Are 18 years or older

- Have 2 years of clinical experience as a dental hygienist

- Were employed and worked throughout the COVID-19 pandemic

- Are a dental professional and worked with patients

- Are willing to answer personal and private questions related to gender, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, native language, and your current language used.

The research will include: - A demographic study (5min)

- An informed consent to participate (5 min)

- Participation in a one-on-one interview (60 min via Zoom)

- Participation in a focus group (60 min)

- A review of the interview and focus group transcripts for accuracy

All participation in the study is voluntary. Data will be protected for three years, then destroyed. Please contact Carri Shamburger with questions: 907-242-3959 or or see the attached recruitment form below. Click here for a link to the informed consent form.

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